Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Day 12

I was coming in to the MBH (Milton Bennion Hall)1 a few minutes after eight. As I turned to head up the stairs a helpful blonde girl stopped me and asked if I were in "Matheson's" class. I indicated in the affirmative and she told me that class was cancelled.
"He has the flu. I just didn't want you to have to go all the way up there."

When someone says this to you, you have to thank them and walk back outside with them. There is no other option. Imagine what would happen if you said, "I'll think I'll just go see for myself."

But there was something funny about her. Why would class be cancelled? It's got to be some kind of ploy to sabotage the mission. By now I think I've spent enough time in the library2 to dispel any suspicions that I'm on to her. I'll just head up there and see for myself. I had heard about these underground groups, but I had no idea their counterespionage was so sophisticated. A lesser agent would never have spotted her.

1- Incidentally, my grandfather used to have an office in the MBH. He was a professor of educational psychology.
At least that was his cover.
2- Ostensibly paying tuition and taking care of other personal matters. I even have my IT guy in Denmark pretending to chat with me. But I think I lost her.


Blogger jo said...

wait... grandfather with an office, psychology, the next thing you'll be telling us is that you have ties to BYU... I'm on to you.

31 May, 2006 12:31  
Blogger the anna said...

I tell you what, müesli, you seem to be pretty good at following trails. But do you really think I would give you enough evidence to actually find me? What do you think I am? A novice?
And as for BYU... I don't know what you're talking about. I've done enough research to know that BYU is the rival university, I've heard a few jokes in my time, but I, Olivia Loveless, have no ties whatsoever to that place. Apart from a few reconnaissance contacts(deep cover agents), of course.

31 May, 2006 16:31  

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