Monday, May 22, 2006

Day 7

I didn't write the Choose Your Own Adventure. I started it and I think I will still finish it.

Today was another discussion day, but it was much quieter. People continue to drop the class.1 We have begun Orlando by Virginia Woolf. I enjoy it. I can read through it quickly. I don't have the English major knack of picking up on motifs from page one, but the daily assignments and discussions are doing their job and hopefully I'll catch on quickly.2
The 18 year old is pretty funny and kept his comments to insightful today. The older English major felt like criticizing Woolf. This is ok, but shocks my public school education.
We're struggling with names. I know a few. Tamara sat next to me again and bravely killed the spider I was afraid of without my even having to be obvious about it.
I can't remember her name but I had my first after class heart to heart with an English major (English and Communications double major, I mean.) I tried not to seem aloof while withholding the fact that I really like our professor. I told her that the professor had done me a favor and I was predisposed in her favor. I hope that wasn't too transparent.
There was a guy standing around as class began. He seemed to be listening interestedly to the pre-class conversation, but wouldn't sit down. When P.J. came in there were whispered words and he left. What could this mean?

1- I hope that they are dropping the class because they aren't coming and as soon as you miss three classes you can't get better than a C. As part of my mission I have to graduate with honors. Nothing less than an A (i.e. not even an A-) will suffice in any of my 11 classes.
2- I made a great effort to write in my book. Now that I know what to look for I will have to re-read and re-mark.


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