Monday, May 15, 2006

Day 2

First day of class. [Until June 21, I will have one class each day. Tuesdays and Thursdays I will attend the Introduction to Literary History Part 1 (Henceforth to be referred to as "3701"). Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I will have Critical Introduction to Literary Forms. (They call this "2600". We call it the brainwashing class.)]

2600 is a pre-requisite for most English classes and all required courses.
When asked, English majors are vague about what they learn, "there was a lot of talking". For this reason I call it the brainwashing class. No one can tell me what it's about, but that it "prepares" you. Scott called it "fun".

Quotes from my professor:
" you can sound really smart."
" prepare you...for the rest of your classes."
" looks smarter and nerdier. I like it better."
"...a heuristic for getting A's."
"...use critical language..."
"...1/2 a page. But if you get carried away and write a whole page, I'll just be impressed and think you're really smart."
"... I think [it] is going to be fun."
"This class will be a lot of fun."
"'s really fun. Dark, but really fun."

In an attempt to remain objective as an observer I will refrain at this point from character sketches and just give you the statistics:
  • Beards: 2 (1 too long, 1 "scruffy")
  • "Old" English majors: 3
  • Purses without backpack or other book carrying device: 5-6
  • Messenger bags: 2
  • Computers instead of notebooks: 2
  • Overly proud out of staters: 2 (Louisiana, Illinois)
  • Foreign students: 3 (Fatima- Iraq, Arsen- Russia, Helene- didn't mention it. Why didn't she mention it? Obvious accent.)
  • *Potential Spanish speakers: 3
(Statistics may be revised as the actual class becomes solidified and books are required.)

*for my own information only and not pertinent to the investigation


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