Today I arrived early to class and was able to participate in moving the desks into a circle. This seems to create a feeling of friendship among the students.
I sat down and the class trickled in. P.J. forgot my name again, but gave me back my
Choose Your Own Adventure enraptured. I told her I had a copy and she kept hers. She then proceeded to pass it around the class for all to see. I tried to play down my annoyance at being made so conspicuous and hoped everyone else had forgotten my name too. I'll have to lay low for a while so people don't start picking me out. Crucial is my ability to remain a bland face in the crowd. Still, it can't be a bad thing to impress your professor unwittingly.
As it turns out, class yesterday was, in fact, cancelled. However, the trail of the underground English majors does not end there. Two girls in my class said knowingly to one another (unaware that I was paying keen attention to their conversation), "That was nice to have three free hours yesterday." There's something fishy there. Somehow they have rigged the classes. What does that "free" mean? Is there some kind of monetary exchange involved? Why are there only girls in this group?
The papers are to be at least four pages long.
1 We will turn them in on Monday. We are supposed to be reading more about how to write, but the discussion no longer takes the secondary text into account. I'm formulating my ideas for my paper, but what with the upcoming convention and my required attendance at yet another debriefing, I'm not sure how much time I will have to devote to it.
We are also supposed to watch the film version of
Orlando by Monday.
P.J. is admittedly giving us insider information. Today she gave us the secret list of departmental terms that professors will look for in our papers.
1- She keeps saying "The longer the better. If you go on to five or six pages, I'll just get more impressed." This is interesting because most of my English majors have spoken of professors as being strict about not going over the length and the difficulty of getting everything into a concise 4 page paper.